You know that song "Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys?" Well it should have been titled "Mamas don't let your babies grow up to work in a GD auto parts store!!!!!"
I am not sure if you have ever been to an auto parts store in your life. If you haven't, well count yourself among the lucky ones! I am not so lucky.
An auto parts store is like Macy's, if Macy's was staffed with mostly ex-cons and potential axe murders. I'm not saying that ALL employees in auto parts stores will harm you, just most of them. At any rate, speaking as a parent and a member of the 1.5% of non-dangerous auto parts workers in America, please send your kids to college. PLEASE.....I am serious here.
1 day ago
7 Robot Reactions:
So...are you saying I need to be more "dangerous" before you will hire me?
As a rule, NO one with JD is allowed to be employed by an auto parts. There may be a constitutional amendment, I am not sure though. Maybe I should ask a lawyer......
Rough day at work today?
There is nothing wrong with convicts...except for everything they do, say, and stand for.
Don't you check them at the door to see if they are packing weapons to be confiscated? So what's the problem? Oh, yeh, I forgot, you probably have to do their part of the work when they have to ask for time off to appear at their court hearings which are on going (I know they are x-cons, but x-cons always have status update parole hearings and new charges hearings!!!!). Why don't you tell sparklebot to sieze the opportunity and be a defense attorney and represent those co-workers!!! You could hand out her business cards at work!!!
Potential Axe Murders? Yikes. If we ever make it out to DC to meet you there is a good chance we won't be visiting you at work! On the other hand, Jeff could potentially use some of your co-workers to play the part in an upcoming horror movie. What do you think??
Well Caitlin, I've spent the past 12 years of my life working in this industry. I would like a shot at the next axe murder role...I could consider the past 12 years as research. I have to justify this career choice somehow!!
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