March 9, 2010

Comment Moderation: I owe you an explanation

As many of my loyal readers know, I had a blog as a single woman that was pretty successful.  My readership numbers often numbered around 800 per day (which, I thought was pretty decent)--way better than our readership here on our family blog.  As that blog grew, I gained many "fans," but also many haters.

I found out, as all bloggers eventually do, that there exists a certain kind of person out there in cyberville that decides seemingly arbitrarily that they don't like you, and they make a mission out of trying to hurt you through mean comments.  What this type of person doesn't understand is that I find those comments to be quite hilarious.  So, I often let that sort of thing go on--even encouraged it at points--for long periods of time on that blog.

It became less hilarious to me, however, just over a year ago when one of my blog haters moved from hater-town to stalker-burg.  This stalker was not only obsessed with me, but also with Troubletron.  I don't know who this person is, but I believe her to be be someone we know personally--making her behavior even more pathetic, in my opinion.

This person sent me so many harassing emails, threatening to physically hurt me, that I started to get the police involved.  She created a fake myspace page in my name over a year ago that I STILL haven't been able to get myspace to remove--the page includes photos of me, and a bunch of nonsensical text (including the tidbit that fake Sparklebot is Native American!).  She even calls the children on their cell phones sometimes.

Troubletron and I have been under the assumption that if we just ignore her, she will eventually give up and stop.  But, a year later, she has not.  And, she has begun commenting on this blog with some very ridiculous and annoying comments.

So, I've turned on comment moderation.

I hate comment moderation.  But, I am not going to let this woman push me around anymore.  She is not going to post libelous information on my blog comment section and have me just let it go.

I'm finished with this nonsense.

So, for those of you who are NOT psycho stalkers, your comments will be approved immediately.  Even if you disagree with me.  Even if I don't like what you say.  I'm not moderating to keep out other opinions besides my own.  I'm moderating to keep a psychotic stalker from being able to openly threaten the safety of my family.

10 Robot Reactions:

Unknown said...

I'm sorry you have to deal with all that. Stalkers suck.

Just a little about The Miser said...

?!? Calling the kids on their cells? Oh no, no no no. Unless it's a disgruntled family member (which still wouldn't stop me), I would be at a point ready to press charges. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I had a stalker once, a long time ago, and I put an end to myself. However, do it the right way if you can and get this person in their place. I'm sorry the police are not much help either. If funds allowed, I'd hire a detective to follow them, and gather enough evidence. This just makes me mad.

Unknown said...

holy crap, that is insane. i'm sorry that's happening to you, i know it would make me feel bad and severely angry at the same time. i'm glad you're getting the police involved, calling the kids on the phone is really, truly creepy and threatening.

Cathy said...

That is HORRIBLE! I hope you can get her to stop. So sorry you have to deal with such an awful thing.

kacy faulconer said...

Well, it's not me. If that's what you think.

Hannah said...

That's a type of wrong that really can't be described. I was turned on to your blog by a friend of mine and even though we've not met in person; I've enjoyed reading your updates. It's too bad someone else didn't get the memo that there's a respectable and non creepy way to do so.

Side of Jeffrey said...

Is it Jessie?? It is, isn't it...that is totally her.

Pamsky said...

Who has time for such pointless behavior? What does it say about this person's priorities and/or responsibilities that should be taking up his/her valuable time? I am sorry such pointless and mean-spirited crap is blowing your way!!!!

Unknown said...

That is super lame!

R. Siren said...

What will she do now?!!!!

Oh yeah... call the children. Yesh! Gather all the evidence you can and get a protection order!