I've been ready to say tootle-oo to 2009 since, well, the second week in January. It's been a roller-coaster year for us, but as I was looking back over our 2009 photos, I realized that we had some good times. Here's what we did in 2009:
I spent a lot of time with this guy...

...even though we had broken up.
Mid-January saw us get back together.
I also spent lots of time with friends.
FEBRUARYI gave up my sweet DC-ghetto bachelorette pad.

Because things were going so well with Troubletron

That he asked me to
marry him

Much of February was also spent driving to Stafford to watch Troubletron play basketball.

MARCHWe started March off with a bang by

Nobody saw it coming (not even us).

We took our first family vacation to Colonial Williamsburg.

And enjoyed some DC United soccer.
AprilMust not have been too great since I have zero pictures from April. I was spending most of my time finishing up my classes.
MayTroubletron turned 31.

We visited some of my favorite little people.

And supported my brother's dental practice more than we would have liked.

Lots of family came to DC to visit.
JUNEI began to study for the Bar exam.
Troubletron's sister Toribot graduated from high school!

I spent all month studying.

It might have frazzled me, just a little.

I can't emphasize enough how much studying took place.

After multiple break-downs, I
finally drove to Roanoke, put on my suit, and put myself out of my misery.
I took the Bar Exam.

Troubletron missed me.

I started my full time unemployment (even though I wasn't getting paid in June and July, I was working nonstop).
Littletron turned 9.

Troubletron and I visited Papatron in North Carolina.

We added a new member to our family.

And I, Sparklebot, turned 30.
SEPTEMBERWe geeked out with my uncle's family at the live-music Lord of the Rings showing at Wolftrap.

We posted the most hilarious blog photo ever.

We took the kids into DC for Crafty Bastards and a downtown picnic.

Teenbot shined as the best player on her school Basketball team.

We re-appropriated the "gingerbread house" for Halloween.

We spent time with friends.

And we partied all day on Halloween.

Double honor roll meant double parental pride.

We expressed our thankfulness, as a family.

The kids showed me what Christmas is really all about.

We enjoyed our first Christmas together, as a family.

And, we look forward to many more.

2009 is at an end, but we are at the beginning.
Ain't nobody gonna break-a our style. Nobody gonna hold us down.