April 22, 2010

Is it just me?

Does anyone else ever find yourself accidentally (through a series of links on mutual acquaintance blogs) on the blog of a mean girl from high school who now has children and writes funny, insightful things that you would want to read if they didn't come from the fingers of a girl who, at least on a few occasions, actively tried to hurt you emotionally and maybe even physically, and then feel bitter that her blog is more popular than yours?

Just me?

8 Robot Reactions:

Unknown said...

Oh oh . . . do I know this person?

Just a little about The Miser said...

What's funny is that I was just thinking about something similar to this today. Several people from HS requested to be friends with me on Facebook. I didn't like these people. In fact, I hated them. One of them ridiculed me so much my freshman year of HS that I told the principal he might as well expel me now because I was going to beat the crap out of her. He put an end to it with her, but I lived it with the damage for quite a while.

To me, a person never really changes. Their lifestyle may have forced them to make a few changes, but deep down, they are still the same person.

Don't feel bitter, or at least try not to. Mean, abusive people are usually charismatic. Serial killers are charismatic, but the reality is that they are psychopaths in the truest sense of the word. The girls who bullied the Phoebe girl into killing herself are psychopaths. Bullying is a psychotic trait, just like torturing animals. The problem is that our society chalks it up to as "girls being girls" or "boys being boys," when in reality it's an unwillingness to face the fact there is a serious problem.

This is a little long, I know, but really, I know the feeling and I can honestly say, step back and take a look at who you are feeling bitter about. A misguided girl from your HS with a penchant to pick on you who has turned her life around, or a psychopath who got a personal high in causing physical and emotional pain and now has managed to breed her own pack whom she can now control.

Carly said...

Dude, I feel that way every day....I look at YOUR blog. I mean the pain you caused me when we walked from the Science building back to the regular building was very serious. And now here is your blog all fancy and funny--I can't take it! But seriously, send me a link please.

Sparklebot said...

Beth: I'm not sure. You know of the family though. It's hard not to, if you're from Provo.

Shackles: Thanks for your words and advice. I always appreciate them.

Carly: I would tell you, but I'm afraid you think this person is nice. She wasn't mean to everyone. And, I'm pretty sure not to you.

Carly said...

Dude. Now I am even MORE intrigued. Listen, I hate everyone, so you should tell me and I'll keep it to myself and not pass judgment.

Cathy said...

I REALLY want to know who this is too. SOOOOOO curious

Grace said...

Oh...you definitely perked my curiosity. Although I haven't experienced accidently landing on former haters' blogs, I totally understand.

Carina said...

I've found myself accidentally on a blog of a girl like that on several occasions, and taken enormous, (probably indefensibly enormous) amounts of pleasure at noting her terrible grammar and deathly boring prose. And that my blog is more popular than hers. It's delightful, like the universe understands that sometimes I just need to know I turned out to be a more interesting person than they did.